Crypto Freedom Fund

Keep Crypto Free

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, including their tools and technologies, are decentralized and anonymous. However, there is increasing pressure from governments around the world to implement regulatory frameworks that threaten the foundation and future of these incredible technologies.

Join us in our fight to Keep Crypto Free!

Our Goals

Influence Legislation

We work to educate elected officials on the benefits of an unfettered blockchain marketplace.

Foster Creativity

We work with marketplace partners to foster creativity and increase the impact of blockchain on the global economy.

Expand Networks

We strive to significantly increase the number of people who use blockchain and to expand the reach of blockchain into under-served communities.

Upcoming events




Let's Go Brandon NFT Fundaiser

  • Place: WWW
  • Time: 22:00 GMT

NFT drop for the "Let's Go Brandon" NFT, proceeds to benefit the Crypto Freedom Fund...

click to see event




Tiny Trumps NFT Fundraiser

  • Place: WWW
  • Time: 22:00 GMT

NFT drop for the "Tiny Trumps" NFT, proceeds to benefit the Crypto Freedom Fund...

click to see event




Target Election List

  • Place: Discoord
  • Time: 22:00 GMT

Collective determination of elections CFF will target for advertising and voter education...

click to see event
Join Us!

We have scheduled several events to help "Keep Crypto Free"!

Our first event is a fundraiser using the "Let's Go Brandon NFT" drop. 90% of the mint and 100% of the royalties support CFF's drive to help educate voters and candidates during the 2022 election.

Our second fundraiser follows a week later and uses the "Tiny Trumps" NFT drop to raise funds for CFF. 90% of the mint and 100% of the royalties go to support CFF efforts.

Beginning in June we will open discussion on elections that need our voices. We will discuss specific candidates and issue our initial target list on 29 July. We will then start generating our TV, radio, and online advertising.

see more events



Russia Impacts

US Lawmakers fear cryptocurrencies could undermine sanctions on Russias. Potential legislation could hinder blockchain evolution...


U.S. Crypto?

The Biden administration looks to support the research and development of a “U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency,” or CBDC....


Wake Up Call!

The U.S. Strategy for Digital Assets: opportunity, challenge or both? You be the judge...


NFT Fundraising

The Crypto Freedom Fund is using NFTs to raise funds to support blockchain issues in the mid-term election...


About Us

Of the People

The Crypto Freedom Fund, LLC, is an independent expenditure committee guided by crowd-sourced input from NFT holders.

By the People

Our activities (advertising and voter eduction) are directed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) controlled by a wide-range of crypto supporters.

For the People

Our activities are focesed on educating candidates and voters on why unfettered blockchain technologies benefit everybody.

Get Involved!

As an independent expenditure committee, The Crypto Freedom Fund strives to educate voters and candidates about the importance of limiting harsh regulations on blockchain technologies, companies, and industries. We are guided by blockchain supporters through the use of a DAO and are bound by the decisions made by DAO members (within legal constraints).

Join us by purchasing an NFT. NFT holders receive quarterly tokens that enable them to both make proposals regarding how to distribute funds and to vote on the ultimate distribution of those funds.

see more

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the CFF?

The Crypto Freedom Fund, LLC, is an independent expenditure committee that strives to educate voters and candidates about the importance of limiting regulations on blockchain technologies, companies, and industries.


What is a Super PAC?

Technically known as independent expenditure-only committees, super PACs may raise unlimited sums of money from corporations, unions, associations and individuals, then spend unlimited sums to overtly advocate for or against political candidates.


How is it different from a PAC?

Unlike traditional PACs, super PACs are prohibited from donating money directly to political candidates, and their spending must not be coordinated with that of the candidates they benefit.


What is the mission of CFF?

The mission of the CFF is to educate voters and candidates about the importance of limiting regulations on blockchain technologies, companies, and industries.


How can I get involved?

While anyone is welcome to attend our educational events, only members of hte DAO can propose and approve expenditures.


What are the NFT Fundraisers?

CFF is raising funds through the sale of both "Let's Go Brandon" and "Tiny Trumps" NFTs. Click here for more informaiton.

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